2 June 2020

Calling all artists, musicians, singers, knitters, photographers, poets and more! We would like YOU to show off your talents in our June Lockdown Challenge for a chance to win a £30 voucher!

Our Lockdown Challenge is an opportunity to illustrate your thoughts and feelings during the recent UK “lockdown”. Submissions can range from writing a song, an interpretive art piece, a poem, a diary entry… anywhere your mind takes you!

So…What are you waiting for? Get creating!

Here is how you can enter:

Email your name, age and creation to info@ymca-dg.org

You will be entered into an age category (listed below) and judged by a selection of our team and young people at YMCA Dulverton Group.





Entries close: Friday 26th June

Submissions may also be showcased on our social media channels

Download Terms & Conditions