Weston-super-Mare Youth Council

 Weston-super-Mare Youth Council is managed by YMCA Dulverton Group from YMCA Weston-super-Mare and is supported by Weston Town Council.

Youth Councillors

Being a Youth Councillor means you get to have a say about what goes on in your local area. Youth Councillors also raise money throughout the year for their chosen charity. They play a significant role in Weston’s council, getting in contact with councillors monthly for meetings and attending Weston based events. Youth Councillors meet monthly to discuss grants, community projects and volunteer work.

There is space for 31 youth councillors to sit on the Youth Council. All members must be aged between 11-21 and, at the time of election, must live within Weston-super-Mare, or attend a school or college within Weston-super-Mare.

As a member of the youth council, you can expect to gain experience in the following:

  • Decision making and planning
  • Learn about democratic process
  • Improve advocacy
  • Communication and teamwork skills
  • Making a positive contribution to the community

Experience with the Youth Council has also proved beneficial in supporting young people in their applications to Higher Education and employment.

Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month.

We are always seeking new members, so if you would like to become a youth councillor, or would like to find out more, please contact Alli Waller on 01934 628787 or email Alli.Waller@ymca-dg.org