Woman in shadow looking to the side

15 December 2022

After struggling with her mental health and facing many difficulties in her life, Sasha has been receiving support from YMCA Dulverton Group. Take a look at her story…

Sasha’s* Story

When I started my support with the YMCA, I was struggling with my mental health and needed help with my independent living skills as I lived on my own. Before I was supported by the YMCA, I was housed in my own flat and was supported 24 hours a day by another support service however they stopped supporting me when I turned 18, I found this really hard to deal with as I didn’t feel ready to be independent. 

I was then supported by the YMCA for 18 months; I wasn’t a resident that lived at the YMCA. but I was receiving outreach support from May and the rest of the team.

I built a really positive relationship with the staff at the YMCA, and they helped me get through some really hard times in my life, they have supported me with so much in the 18 months:

  • Making and attending important appointments
  • Encouraging me to talk to professionals myself
  • Helping me build my confidence
  • Supporting me with paying bills and shopping
  • Going for walks and keeping me busy making memories when I’ve been struggling

YMCA has helped me to stay alive and I can’t thank them enough for everything they have done for me. 

Recently my support from the YMCA has come to an end but they still invite me to their group activities, and they message me to make sure I still feel included. 

I know the YMCA is still there if I need someone to talk to. I appreciate this as they don’t have to support me anymore, but they choose to as they care about the young people they support/have supported.  

*Sasha’s name has been changed to protect her identity.