27 January 2021

*Please note names have been changed to protect identity

Peter has lived at Canonsgrove since April 2020.

He has struggled with addiction for some time but, since being at Canonsgrove, he has been able to access specialist support and direct housing support on a regular basis. He is making great strides in his recovery.

Just before Christmas Peter spoke to staff about his family. The last time he had contact with them was over two years ago and he had decided he would like to try and find them with YMCA Dulverton Group’s support. The team set about trying to assist him with finding his relatives, through various different avenues. They also helped Peter send a Christmas card to his mother, with a letter saying he is doing well and with his contact details enclosed.

On Christmas Day, which happens to also be Peter’s birthday, Peter received a huge surprise as he got a phone call from his sister! She said that she would like to meet him for coffee as soon as the current lockdown restrictions ease. She also told Peter that his mum will contact him in the New Year.

Christmas can be a challenging time for many people, especially this year with the increased challenge of Covid-19, when many people have felt incredibly alone. We were honoured in being able to assist and support Peter with making contact with his family and will continue to enable this relationship to rebuild where we can. There are many incredibly special moments witnessed at Canonsgrove and Peter’s contact with his family was one of them.