Residents and Staff enjoy a Residential Trip in Dartmoor

1 May 2019

Residents in Bridgwater have recently returned from a fun filled weekend residential at Heatree Activity Centre in Dartmoor.

The trip to the residential activity centre, which specialises in outdoor education with a Christian ethos, was available to all YMCA residents, and hosted 12 young people whom we support and 4 staff members. Rowena Clift-Shanley, P2i Commissioner also attended the weekend trip.

The fun packed weekend provided a range of activities including horse riding, stream scrambling and high ropes.

Lucy Richards, P2i Housing Operations Manager (Sedgemoor) said, “This trip has been absolutely brilliant! Everyone had a fantastic time! It was especially rewarding to see all of our residents socialising and working together when participating in the activities as some did not previously interact before the trip.”

Heatree Activity Centre also said that all the residents were brilliant, and they can’t wait to host another weekend with us!

The accommodation team are hoping to return to the centre for another trip. The value gained from the weekend is priceless with residents returning with vivid team building and socialising skills.