15 April 2020

Online safety tips for young people

  1. Don’t befriend people you don’t know
  2. Remember people are not always who they say they are
  3. Don’t meet up with people you only know from online
  4. Don’t share any passwords, phone numbers, addresses or name of your school to anyone
  5. Don’t download or install anything you are unsure of
  6. Think carefully before posting videos of yourself or others.
  7. Keep your privacy setting as high as possible.
  8. Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with them.
  9. If you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable – report it.
  10. If you are worried or unsafe, leave the online space and tell a trusted adult for advice.



Take a break! The HSE suggests a 5-10 minutes break after an hour of screen time.