2 December 2018

YMCA Somerset Coast’s No First Night Out Project (NFNO) is a scheme within a central government funded Rough Sleepers Initiative headed up by Taunton Deane Borough Council and aimed at changing the culture of rough sleeping in Taunton.

Our NFNO project currently has 4 beds in a street property in Taunton, with the aim being to increase that to a total of 9 beds over the coming months. The beds are available for people who are new to rough sleeping, or who are at risk of rough sleeping for the first time, and who have low support needs. The residents will be supported in securing or maintaining employment as well as finding and maintaining longer term accommodation.

The project is headed up by Matt Cox, who has been seconded from our Sedgemoor P2I service for the duration of the project. If you would like to know more, you can email Matt on Matthew.cox@ymca-sc.org or John Shipley, the manager with lead responsibility for housing and support work in Taunton, on John.Shipley@ymca-dg