New Young Carers Session in Bridgwater

1 May 2019

A new youth programme for young carers has launched in Bridgwater.

The young carers programme began last week at Rollercoaster in Bridgwater, a multi-use facility belonging to Somerset County Council.

The programme provides young people access to a safe and inclusive space to socialise and interact with other carers.

The group were joined by DJ Nina from the Rural Music Network Project, for a music themed session. The young carers had the opportunity to mix music using twin decks and learn about scratching on vinyl!

Alli Waller, Lead Youth Worker said, “we recognise how much young carers do and how precious any spare time they have is. We therefore endeavour to make sessions as vibrant, fun and inclusive as possible.”

The programme is created cooperatively with young people to truly reflect their idea of what they want from the programme.

Future sessions will include cooking, graffiti art and filming amongst many other activities

If you know anyone who would be interested in joining the group, please contact