10 October 2019

Thursday 10th October was Mental Health Awareness Day and the YMCA DG team took part in WHOLE HOUR to support their own mental wellbeing. WHOLE HOUR is part of the national campaign ‘I am Whole’ which aims to raise awareness of mental health and support sufferers into finding the right advice and help.

WHOLE HOUR is about taking an hour out of your day for your own mental health, and encourages everyone to do something they feel helps themselves. Whether it is getting active, creative or just taking some time to relax, WHOLE HOUR is all about doing what’s best for you.

The YMCA DG team took some time out of their day last week to meet and talk with other people they don’t usually work with over some cake and tea. Talking and listening is one of the best ways to support yourself or someone who is suffering from mental health illnesses, so why not take a moment to ask a colleague, friend or family member how their day was, and remember that there is always support if you need it.

To find out more about ‘I am Whole’ visit: www.whole.org.uk