27 June 2019

Marks and Spencer announced the Major Community Transformation Programme as part of their 2025 plan. The pioneering programme involves M&S working with local councils and charity partners to support communities to deliver positive and measurable change.

Each year, M&S invite individuals to pitch a project that they can support and contribute to. This year Margarita Tamosaityte, Housing Support Officer in Weston-super-Mare, entered the Barley Wood Garden Rejuvenation project to be considered. Much to her surprise M&S selected the project for this year’s Volunteer Week.

M&S donated £500 towards the project to cover costs of materials and labour. Margarita may have the world record for the number of garden centre’s visited in 48 hours!

A team of six M&S volunteers and some our very own staff members came to Barley Wood to undertake the challenging project. The ground was rotavated, railings sanded and freshly painted (including on Ellie’s jeans), gravel laid and hanging baskets perfected.

The garden is completely transformed and now provides a safe relaxing sanctuary for residents at Barley Wood to enjoy.

Big thank you to the team at M&S and also the staff members involved! Just another example of the fantastic work we do here at YMCA Dulverton Group!