A Thank You from KB

1 May 2019

When I first moved to YMCA, I was doing any drugs I could get my hands on.

However, my support worker, told me about an apprenticeship opportunity at Barley Wood Nursery. I had been interested in working in the childcare sector from a young age, so decided to apply for it.

My application was successful, and I began working in the nursery in 2017.

Getting the job and working cooperatively with my support workers have both contributed to me quitting drugs completely.

Every day is a struggle, but with all the support I’ve received I am able to get through it!

I have recently achieved my Level 2 childcare qualification, which will allow me to move onto independent living in Weston-super-Mare and begin a level 3 apprentice in a local nursery.

I have now secured accommodation in Weston-super-Mare. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff at YMCA for their support during my time here. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them and I cannot say thank you enough.

– KB