9 June 2020

It’s been amazing how our community has come together in these uncertain times, this includes, Morrison’s, and the salvation army for their kind donations of food to name just a few, this has enabled us to make sure no one goes hungry.

Prior to lockdown we would have the fortnight community meal at the Beach Hotel, and  some of our residents would participate in activities with Robin Seeley, every week we would also arrange a cooking night, this enabled residents old and new to get together have a chat, and for some learn some new cooking skills.

Since lockdown I have managed to organise a BBQ with social distancing in mind, so therefore I have cooked the food for the residents then they have then come up and helped themselves.

Since the covid 19 outbreak I have now become part of the Minehead corona virus support group to which I now shop for about 8 vulnerable pensioners.

My day begins.

6am up straight to the bathroom, before my husband gets up for work, otherwise I could be waiting half an hour, I wouldn’t mind but he takes longer to get ready than myself, and he has no hair to worry about. Then I will get ready for my day to begin

7am I will have my cereal, take my vitamins etc, and be off.

7.15am before I start work at 8am I take bob his daily telegraph, and also his Sunday telegraph, I deliver his newspaper every day with a smile, he is currently isolating with his wife.

7.30am log onto the covid group to see if any of my pensioners need any meds collecting or shopping during the week.

8am start work, turn on my work mobile catch up with any emails received.

9am check on residents self-isolating with family via there mobiles.

10am call from Morrisons to go and collect our weekly food donation.

11am Back with the food, share out with residents at the Beach Hotel, and prospect, any large catering bags of pasta or flour pass onto the kitchen so they can use it to cook for residents in the cabin side, or keep it for when our community meal start again.

11.30am catch up with any residents who are up and about, check my calendar for support sessions, and meetings planned.

12 noon handover with Sally my work colleague, grab a coffee.

1pm type up support session notes, arrange other support sessions, and check my files

2pm look at what we can do with residents, get the table tennis out for them to use, organise a walk social distancing.

3pm decide to do some cooking pasta bake, and fruit crumble.

4pm residents fed, washing up done time to call it a day at work, then off to do any shopping or collect medication for my pensioners.

5pm finally home, shower and chillax with a gin and tonic if it’s a Friday!

Despite not being able to do all the activities we would normally plan, we have adapted to try and make each day as pleasurable as we can with our residents, and making sure no one goes hungry, or is suffering with mental health issues.

Our door is always open to lend an ear,(social distancing adhered to of course) whether it’s to vent or just to have a chin wag over a coffee.

Donna – YMCA Minehead