31 May 2020

A day in the Life as a Youth Worker

It takes a village to raise a child

We love the premise that an entire community of people can interact with children in order for them to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment. By community, this can include parents, siblings, neighbours, teachers, government, police and youth services.

When all the groups come together, a child can truly reach their full potential.

Prior to lockdown, our Youth and Community team delivered 12 youth clubs across North Somerset, Somerset and Devon. The clubs provides a safe environment for children to use and explore, as well as offering activities and opportunities for friendly conversations.

Since lockdown, the Youth & Community team have adapted and flexed the way they deliver during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are continuing to deliver youth clubs online through a virtual video platform as well as working more within the community, helping those in need as well as flexing roles to meet the organisations needs.

Alli Waller is our Senior Lead Youth Worker and is currently providing online youth sessions alongside her team as well as delivering meals to the community of Weston-super-Mare.

Here is a short snippet of the “Day in the Life” of one of our many wonderful Youth Workers, Alli.


My alarm goes, and it’s a race to get to the bathroom before the rest of the household. I don’t always win!


After a little tidy around I make it to the kitchen where hubby has left my cuppa on the draining board. I drink it while I do my hair.

08:30 – 08:45am

I switch on the phones (as I look after all the calls that come into YMCA Weston) and laptop and begin to plan my day (I like to have that first few minutes of thinking before the day begins). Checking our messages on our Social Media platforms.


Head to the youth centre in Weston to do the compliance and check the building.


Arrive at The Stables Café to organise and sort the addresses ready for food deliveries


Begin delivering food to families across Weston-super-Mare.

During the deliveries I am able to check in on a few families as well as checking on any young people I see out and about. We continue to contact HQ (YMCA Weston), where Margarita monitors our location and if we have any issues.

13:00pm – 14:00pm

Finish delivering meal and call the team at HQ (YMCA Weston) and the Stables Café to let them know we have finished.

Head home for lunch!


After lunch, I ring around the team for a check-in, answer any emails, and catch up with the Youth Leads across our organisation.


Contact the Young carer families to remind them of our virtual group meeting later.


Just enough time for a quick cuppa and catchup on any outstanding paperwork.


Prepare and eat tea


Young carers Zoom meeting. Including a nice catch up and sharing bake off creations!


Finish zoom meeting with Young Carers. Debrief with the team and write up the session capture.


Walk the dog (Mollie – Sprocker Spaniel)


Cuppa and a catchup with hubby, ready for a new day tomorrow!

Despite not being able to offer our front-line youth services, our team have well and truly adapted and flexed their roles to ensure support for the children and community is continued.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for regular updates from the team, including fun activities for you to enjoy.