We realise that this is a worrying time, but we want to reassure you that we will support you through it and our staff are prioritising your safety and wellbeing.

Information for young people living in our supported accommodation 

If you are living in any YMCA DG accommodation this page is to give you the latest information, advice and support on how to look after yourself during the coronavirus outbreak. Below are some resources you might find helpful and links to specific helplines and support services.

We’re prioritising the staffing levels in our homes, so there will always be enough staff to keep everyone safe. But, you may see some new faces as we might need to move staff around and it is possible that your current project worker might have to take time off. If you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed do talk to someone.

All of our staff are highly trained and know what to do if anyone becomes ill within your house. You can also help by following the latest advice and listening to staff if the situation changes, particularly if self-isolation is needed.

Support services

For housing advice and floating support – info@ymca-dg.org

Mental Health support available
If you require urgent support around your mental health and feel you are not able to keep yourself safe but do not need immediate medical assistance, please contact the services below:

  • YoungMinds Crisis Messenger– text YM to 85258.
  • CAMHS – 0300 304 0061(8.30am-5pm for people aged up to 17)
  • ChildLine – 0800 1111(for any child or young person)
  • Samaritans –116 123 (for anyone distressed or thinking of suicide, or in crisis)
  • Hopeline – 0800 068 4141(child or young person thinking of suicide)

Other information and support available

If urgent medical assistance is needed please call 999.